Bittermelon 苦中作樂: 審計的九種技巧(7):Reconciliation

    2024-09-20 05:47

    審計的九種技巧(7):Reconciliation. 在種種的審計技巧當中,有一項比較高級的叫Reconciliation ,有人翻譯叫「調節」,也有人叫「對賬」,但總覺得欠準確,而行內則普遍簡稱為「Rec 數」。. Reconciliation主要用於查核賬目,最多人認識的相信是Bank reconciliation ...

    Bittermelon 苦中作樂: 審計的九種技巧(7):Reconciliation

    收入確認 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書

    收入確認(英語: Revenue recognition )原則是權責發生制原則與配比原則的的的基石。 它們都決定了收入與支出在會計期間中的確認。 根據該原則,收入在其實現或可實現時被確認,而不管現金何時被收到。在收付實現制中,則與此相反,收入在收到現金時被確認,無論商品或服務何時售出。


    財團法人中華民國會計研究發展基金會-重要會計用語中英對照. 首頁 > TIFRS > 重要會計用語中英對照. 日期. 標題. 112/12/27. 「重要會計用語中英對照」 (2023年版) 111/12/30. 「重要會計用語中英對照」 (2022年版) 110/12/30.

    會計術語英漢對照表 - Mba智库百科

    會計術語英漢對照表{|class=wikitable!colspan=2|初級會計-會計術語名稱||英文名稱-對賬||(checking)-對應賬戶||(corresponding accounts)-

    PDF 重要會計用語中英對照

    1 「重要會計用語中英對照」 (IASB提供之2020年版國際務報導準則之重要會計用語 原文與2019年版比較並無差異,本會臺灣務報導 準則委員會之中文翻譯有部分修改) Item Term in English Term in Chinese 1 [Amount] recoverable 可回收(金額) 2 緩衝區 )'Corridor' 3 銷貨成本法'Cost of sales' method

    【會計英語】讓你輕鬆縱橫職場!一文了解12個必學的會計詞彙術語! | Zephyr Yeung - 職場英語教室

    本周,筆者準備了12個常用會計詞彙供你參考參考。來,趕緊把這些術語統統學會吧!(圖片由作者提供)你對會計有興趣嗎? 有曾經想過將來要 ...

    收入確認 - Mba智库百科

    一、美國財務會計準則委員會 (Financial Accounting Standards Board-FASB)的規定. 美國財務會計準則委員會在第5號財務會計概念公德中指出,根據 收入實現原則 ,收入通常在:. (1)收入已實現或可實現(Realized or Realizable);. (2)收入已經賺取(Earned)時才予以確認 ...

    RECOGNIZE中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典 - Cambridge Dictionary

    recognize翻譯:認識, 認出,認識;識別, 接受, 正式承認;認可;接受, 表彰;嘉獎;表揚。了解更多。

    RECOGNIZE中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary

    recognize翻译:认识, 认出,认识;识别, 接受, 正式承认;认可;接受, 表彰;嘉奖;表扬。了解更多。

    會計科目中英對照及編碼 - 全國商工行政服務入口網

    Current assets are cash and other assets expected to be converted to cash, sold, or consumed within a year 111 現金及約當現金cash and cash equivalents

    審計報告上寫甚麼?輕鬆了解審計報告和審計意見 - Pacers Consulting

    審計報告內容. 引言 — 審核公司的基本資料 (例如公司名稱,審核的財務年度等等). 審計意見 — 就著公司所準備的財務報表是否中肯地反映合公司的財務表現. 重大不確定性(視乎公司是否能持續經營). 關鍵審計事項(只有上市公司才有) — 根據會計師 ...

    會計 - 香港中文大學商學院

    會計學碩士. 課程在概念及實務層面為學生提供全面的會計知識,讓他們藉此建構寶貴的商業理念。. 課程並為學生在香港及中國提供實習機會,讓他們透過在會計師事務所、金融/證券公司及銀行工作,了解實際行業運作。.

    Leaning into the immune system's complexity - MIT News

    During an introductory immunology course, Birnbaum was captivated by the complexity and beauty of the immune system. He went on to earn a PhD in immunology at Stanford University, where he began to study how T cells recognize their target antigens. T cell receptors are protein complexes found on the surfaces of T cells.

    PDF CGAP Glossary English to Chinese

    1 英汉微型金融词典 English-Chinese Microfinance Glossary, July 2008 A absorption accounting Equivalent: full-cost accounting. 归纳记账法

    RECOGNIZED中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典 - Cambridge Dictionary


    How our brains develop facial recognition skills: New face-detecting ...

    Scientists have uncovered a brain circuit in primates that rapidly detects faces. The findings help not only explain how primates sense and recognize faces, but could also have implications for ...

    Germany demands new citizens accept Israel's right to exist

    The legislation is being introduced nationwide after the eastern state of Saxony-Anhalt also required citizenship applicants to recognize Israel's right to exist in December.

    In 'The Singularity Is Nearer,' Ray Kurzweil says we'll merge with AI ...

    There is a meme, popular among tech world insiders, that distinguishes between two types of people: wordcels and shape rotators. Wordcels are humanists, effete creatures who trade in anachronisms ...

    Which animals can recognize themselves in the mirror?

    Research on whether animals can recognize themselves in the mirror began in 1970 1 and just a handful of species have since passed the test ever since. While we are the only species to scrutinize ...

    PDF 重要會計用語中英對照

    2 「重要會計用語中英對照」 Item Term in English Term in Chinese 30 acquired goodwill 收購(之)商譽 31 acquired in a business combination 企業合併所取得 32 Acquiree 被收購者 33 Acquirer 收購者/取得者 34 Acquisition 收購/ 取得 35 acquisition date 收購日/取得日 36 Active market 活絡市場 37 active use 積極使用

    The National Debt Crisis Is Coming - WSJ

    During the Obama administration, many economists and political commentators became worried that the U.S. faced endless budget deficits that could cause higher interest rates, depress investment ...

    "Do I Know You?" One reporter's journey with face blindness - NPR

    Science journalist Sadie Dingfelder is one of 10 million Americans who are face blind, or struggle to recognize the faces of people they know. In her new book, Do I Know You? she dives into this ...

    AmeriCorps 30: Celebrations Across the Nation to Recognize the Impact ...

    Since September 2023, AmeriCorps and hundreds of thousands of Americans have been celebrating the agency's 30th anniversary.From recognizing the first Harris Wofford Joint Service Award recipients to welcoming the inaugural cohort of American Climate Corps members and celebrating the anniversary with former President Bush, AmeriCorps continues to set new milestones.

    Child Care Infrastructure Fund -

    What is the Child Care Infrastructure Fund? The Child Care Infrastructure Fund (CCIF) was created by House Bill 3005 during the 2023 Legislative Session to build out child care infrastructure statewide. DELC will provide statewide Business Technical Assistance for CCIF through technical assistance providers Northwest Native Chamber and First Children's Finance (for contact information, see below).

    中國會計科目中英文對照(含科目代碼) - Mba智库百科

    評論(共21條) 提示:評論內容為網友針對條目"中國會計科目中英文對照(含科目代碼)"展開的討論,與本站觀點立場無關。

    在财务会计英语中recognize是啥意思??? - 百度知道

    2012-12-15 recognize是什么意思 2016-06-18 会计英语中的payback是什么意思以及优缺点 2009-07-30 recovery在财务英语中代表什么 2006-04-17 reconcile 在财务英语中是什么意思? 2018-01-19 department在会计英语中是什么意思

    达卡 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

    达卡(孟加拉語: ঢাকা ),是孟加拉国 首都,达卡专区首府。 达卡坐落于恒河三角洲 布里甘加河北岸, 是孟加拉国最大的城市,也是南亚主要城市之一,其都会区有1200多万人口。 达卡有着丰富的历史,被称为"清真寺之城",其颇具民族风情的穆斯林 纺织品非常闻名。

    PDF 重 「重重重要會計用語中英對照」要會計用語中英對照」

    290 Cost of an asset acquired in exchange or part exchange for dissimilar asset. 291 Cost of an asset acquired in exchange or. 取得成本/ 收購成本 以交換或部分交換非類似資產取得之資產之成本 以交換或部分交換類似資產取得之資產. part exchange for similar asset. 292 Cost of an investment. 293 Cost of ...

    List of Recognized Private Medical and Dental Colleges

    List of Non-Govt. Medical Colleges under Chittagong Medical University from session 2017-2018 . (Before session 2017-2018 under mentioned Colleges were under Chittagong University except Institute of Applied Health Science (IAHS), which was under University of Science &Technology, USTC)